
Quistis Trepe

Age: 18

Sex: Female

Height: 5'6"

Blood Type: A

Birthdate: october 4th

Weapon: Whip

Limit: Blue Magic

Quistis Trepe is an instuctor at Balamb garden. She entered the Garden at age 10, and graduated to SeeD at age 15. She serves as Squall's instructor, and takes him on the Fire Cave test. Quistis is very well liked at the Garden, so very well liked, in fact, that there is a Quistis fan club that seems to hold Quistis above all else on their priority lists. Quistis fights the forces of evil with a whip (Ooh, fiesty!). She has a vast number of Blue Magic limit breaks. These are much like the Enemy Skills from FFVII, and can be learned from using various objects on Quistis. Each one is a different skill that can do serious damage to enemies. Some can also heal your party. Her limit breaks alone make her one of the most powerful characters in FFVIII.